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Page Last Updated: 01/06/2020 08:57



1am to 8pm MONDAY 8th JUNE 

Dear Residents, 

Thank you for bearing with us while we work to replace the damaged pipework in the courtyard.   

We will complete the final mechanical installation to connect the new pipework to the existing system on Monday 8th June.  Works will be carried out between 8am to 8pm, however the heating system that feeds your block will be shut down at 1am Monday morning to allow the pipework to cool sufficiently for us to begin cutting into the pipework at 8am.   

We recommend you switch on the immersion heater in your hot water cylinder to ensure the supply of hot water.  Your central heating system will not be available whilst works are carried out.  We apologise for this inconvenience.   

We expect all works to be completed by 8pm Monday night and will have engineers on site to deal with individual heating supply issues.  If there are delays on the day we will update our website  

If you continue to have issues with your heating supply after 8pm on Monday please contact our With Energy customer service team on 0333 8000 111 or email  

Once the pipework installation is finished, we will complete the ground reinstatement works with the aim of having the full courtyard and all private garden areas opened up by Friday 19th June.   

We will work with residents and MTVH to ensure the horticultural improvements to the courtyard are reinstated. 

Our work area is secured with Heras fencing and we remind parents to not allow children to play in the construction area. 

We wish to also make clear that our construction works are operating in accordance with government guidance concerning Coronavirus to ensure the protection and welfare of our operatives and the public.  If you have any specific concerns with regard to this, please contact our customer services team. 

We acknowledge that the works have gone on for longer than expected and this has been even more difficult for you because of the lockdown.  We thank you for your understanding and patience.   

Kind regards, 

With Energy