My credit is being used too quickly - Can you investigate and send me a breakdown of my usage?
If you think that there is an issue with the way our system is recording your usage please check the following troubleshooting advice before you contact our Customer Service team;
Make sure you consider your standing charge – If your development has a standing charge, this amount will be deducted daily as well as your usage.
Check your In Home Display daily – Sometimes your system may have trouble communicating with our billing system. When this happens your credit will “freeze” and stay the same every day. When communication is re-established between the systems, they will automatically deduct the credit for your usage (and standing charge if applicable) all at once. If you notice that your In Home Display has “frozen”, contact our customer service team so that we can have the problem fixed as quickly as possible. We will attempt to reboot the system remotely, but if this is unsuccessful we may need to arrange for an engineer to visit your property.
If you would like to review your usage and standing order charges, you can contact our customer service team and we will prepare a consumption statement for you. These can take a few days to produce, we appreciate your patience.
My bill is too high. Can you investigate and send me a revised bill?
With Energy bills are based on actual readings that are taken on a daily basis by our billing system. You will see an exact opening and closing reading and the date that the readings were taken on the second page of your bill.
If you think that there is an issue with the way our system is recording your usage please check the following information before you contact our Customer Service team to make sure we can handle your query as quickly as possible;
Confirm your serial number on your HIU matches the serial number on your bill. This is located on the top of the second page of your bill. Check the timer on your heating system – make sure that it is not coming on when you are out of the house or asleep.
Check the dates of your readings on the second page of your bill - If our system is unable to read your meter due to a connection issue, we will contact you to arrange for someone to come and restore the connection. When this connection is restored, all of your consumption data will be loaded into the billing system. If this issue has occurred, it can make your bills higher than expected.
For example; If your meter is not connecting properly to our billing system on the 15th March and we do not visit your property to rectify the issue until the 2nd of April your bills will show your consumption charges in the following way;March bill will have consumption for 1st to 15th of March
April bill will have consumption for the 16th of March to the 30th of April.
Contact us if you have any concerns or questions about your bill and we will review it with you and investigate where necessary.
I went on holiday and didn’t use my heating or hot water, why am I still being charged?
If your development has a standing charge included in your tariff, you will still have this amount deducted daily, even when you are not in your home.
If you turn the unit off completely while you are away, when the unit is turned on again the standing charge will be deducted.
You should never turn your HIU off as this can affect the water quality in the district heating system. It will not save you money, and it may result in repairs to be needed to your HIU that will not be covered by the terms of your agreement.
If you are going away, make sure that you turn off your programmer so that your heating does not come on in your absence. This will make sure you are not charged for consumption while you are away.
Who is my heating and hot water supplier?
Your heating and hot water supplier can vary depending on the development that you live. This detail should be included in your Welcome Pack.
On some district heating networks With Energy is responsible for operating, maintaining the system as well as providing the billing and customer service for the development. On other sites, we are only contracted to supply billing and customer service support.
If you cannot find your Welcome Pack or if you are still unsure of who your heating and hot water supplier is, you can contact our customer service team and we will be able to provide you with the information you need.
What do I do if I have a problem with my heating and hot water?
Your heating and hot water supplier can vary depending on the development that you live. This detail should be included in your Welcome Pack.
On some district heating networks With Energy is responsible for operating and maintaining the system as well as providing the billing and customer service for the development. On other sites, we are only contracted to supply billing and customer service support.
If With Energy is responsible for operating and maintaining your district heating network you can report an emergency, a breakdown or a fault 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year by calling 0333 8000 111 or emailing hello@with.energy.
In the case of an emergency please call 0300 8000 111
An Emergency is defined as;
- A significant leak which cannot be stopped and which is causing damage / leaking through to an adjacent property
- An issue that impacts the health and safety of the residents
- Loss of heating and hot water to multiple residences
Detailed definitions and response times for emergencies, breakdowns and faults are noted in your Customer Handbook which should have been provided with your Welcome Pack.
If you require another Welcome Pack to be emailed or sent to you please let our customer service team know at your earliest convenience.
Why are you referring me to my heat supplier, can’t you help?
Your heating and hot water supplier can vary depending on the development that you live. This detail should be included in your Welcome Pack.
On some sites, With Energy is both the supplier and metering and billing agent. On other sites, we are only contracted to supply metering and billing services.
When With Energy is not the contracted heat supplier, we will direct you to the correct organisation.