Launched in 2016 and now has over 10,000 customers across London, the South Coast & Bristol.
With Energy is an energy company, set up to provide low-cost heat, power, operations, maintenance and customer services to new residential developments across the UK.
Unlike the big energy companies, With Energy is designed specifically to provide communities with low-cost, low-carbon energy, allowing residents to have their own community energy brand and benefit from on-site generated heat and power. A completely localised model, we aim to revolutionise the energy sector, all the while supporting stronger, more sustainable communities.
With Energy believe reliable heat and power is a basic pre-requisite to living in the UK, and therefore provide a service that residents can trust. Complete with an in-house heat interface unit (HIU) maintenance team, With Energy also provide high quality servicing and breakdown cover, including local on-the-ground customer service representatives.
“With Energy is about making residents feel more attached – and proud – of their energy network and to help spread the concept of community energy.”
An energy provider where residents are the winners
Locally based operations mean residents are not subject to expensive network and distribution charges.
We are passionate about providing district heating networks that are safe, reliable and sustainable. We instil strict KPIs, including that heat supply must be restored within 24 hours or we offer a refund per resident, per 24 hours their heating stays down. We monitor key system parameters (including operating temperatures, system pressure, heat meter records and fuel use) and regularly analyse performance to identify any inconsistencies or inefficiencies. This also helps guide us as to where we can alter controls to make sure the system is running at optimum output.
Pricing that’s regularly reviewed
With Energy’s pricing is calculated specifically for each site that we are responsible for. We are committed to making district heating systems that run efficiently and provide reliable service for a fair price.
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest industry standards and welcome over sight on each development to ensure prices are adequate, fair and controlled by regular reviews, (including housing associations and local authorities where appropriate).
What customers can expect
Sustainable Heat Year-Round
With Energy will generate heat all year-round with lower carbon emissions, and supply it to you more efficiently than you could produce it for yourself using traditional oil- or gas-fired boiler.
Comprehensive Servicing
We will service and maintain your HIU to make sure it continues to work safely and efficiently. If there are problems with your HIU, With Energy can fix it, just report an issue to our team and we will help you get it solved.
Responsive Operations and Maintenance
A professional, dedicated operating and maintenance engineering team will be available to deal with any network issues quickly.*
*Please be aware that on some developments, HIU or Plant room maintenance is provided by another supplier. Contact our team and we will direct you to the right place, we are here to help
What is district heating?
District heating transports heat directly into your home through a network of highly efficient underground pipes.
It removes the need for you to own, maintain, insure or replace a traditional boiler. The heat is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; you just pay for what you use to heat your home and water.